Pedra Azul State Park

Located in Brazil, Pedra Azul State Park is a beautiful area full of mountains and rock formations, south of Espirito Santo. Due to its special low temperature and humidity, the annual harvest period of coffee beans is from April to December, and the time is up to 9 months. Such a long maturity period results in the coffee beans produced here having a relatively high sweetness and a complex flavor.

In order to be able to innovate in coffee production technology and improve their quality of life, the proportion of family farming is quite high, especially for small-scale family farming, and most family members are actively involved in the complete coffee growth process. People near Pedra Azul State Park have also introduced some new technologies in organic agriculture.


908 屏東縣長治鄉園西二路22號1樓C104⟨屏東農業生物科學園區 龍騰樓⟩
Tel. 07-2151838
Open. AM09:30-PM05:30
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C104 -1F., No. 22, Yuanxi 2nd Rd., Changzhi Township, Pingtung County 908 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Tel. 07-2151838 Open. AM09:30-PM05:30

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